Welcome to my Sunday Summary. A look back on my bookish adventures for the past week.
Summer is now officially here, but you would never know it around here. I love to sit outside and read, but so far the weather has not been conducive to that, especially on the weekends. Here's hoping that July sees us enjoying more seasonal weather.
Books Reviewed:
A Philosophy Of Ruin, by Nicholas Mancusi. My review of this story about life derailed by depression and grief can be found in THIS POST.
Miracle Creek, by Angie Kim. This stunning story is probably the best courtroom thriller I have ever read. You can read more about it in my 5-star review HERE
Ramblings and Miscellany:

Advance Reading Copy (ARC) Books Previously Reviewed and Released this Week:
A Philosophy Of Ruin, by Nicholas Mancusi was released this past week on June 18th. You can find a link to my review above under "Books Reviewed".
Currently Reading and Notable Titles on Deck:
A review is pending for The Assassination Of Brangwain Spurge, by M. T. Anderson.
I am currently reading The Need, by Helen Phillips and listening to Tempests And Slaughter, by Tamora Pierce.
Next up in my reading list is The Toll, by Cherie Priest.
Hard to believe another school year is wrapping up already! Hoping the summer brings great books and great weather to relax outside with a good book.
Happy Reading,
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