THE VISITORS, by Catherine Burns
Simon & Schuster Audio - 2017
Audiobook - 9 hours 03 minutes
Narrated by Kate Redding

My Rating (out of 5)
There is an eerie and sinister air around this story.
Marion has nobody but her brother John. John is a bit mean and overbearing, but he is all she has besides her collection of Teddy bears. A sad state for a woman in her fifties.
All her life Marion has been made to feel too ugly, too fat, and too stupid. Time goes on and she never marries, and she never moves out of the home that is falling into disrepair. She stays there with her brother, who also never marries. She becomes a matronly old spinster - on the outside at least. Inside she is still an awkward, socially inept girl. She does her best to not anger John and to keep him happy - she even ignores the visitors John brings home and has staying in the basement. She knows they are there, but she pretends they are not.
One day, John collapses from a heart attack. Now she is forced to not only accept the reality of the visitors, she must confront her fears and face them. It is then that she not only realizes who her brother is, but also who she truly is.
This story has some serious creep factor! It was well written, with the characters being well defined. You could almost feel Marion's disappointment in herself when she angered John, as well as her hunger for a child to love as she aged past her child-bearing years without any romantic prospects.
While this book was quite good, I really feel like it was just so incredibly close to being even better. Some books you read, and the story is the story - and that is all. This book left me feeling like it could have been a blockbuster with just...? I don't know exactly what, but I know it was walking a fine line and it would not have taken much to send it over the top.
Narration was well performed. It was clear and had a good range of character and emotion. Kate Redding voice was a very good match for this story.
Happy Reading,
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