Sunday Summary - May 27 - June 2, 2018
Oops! Here it is Monday morning, and while I produced my Sunday Summary on time - I forgot to hit the publish button!So under the heading of "Better late than never" Here is this week's Sunday Summary. A look back on my bookish adventures for the past week.
Books Reviewed:
The Favorite Sister, by Jessica Knoll (Audio Book):
One Way, by Jeff Lane:
The Flight Attendant, by Chris Bohjalian (Audio Book):
Ramblings and Miscellany:

May 28, 1908 - Ian Fleming's Birthday:
Advance Reading Copy (ARC) Books Previously Reviewed and Released this Week:
GATE 76 - by Andrew Diamond
Currently Reading and Notable Titles on Deck:
Currently Reading:
We Are Where the Nightmares Go and Other Stories - by, C. Robert Cargill
Currently Listening to (Audio Book):
Then She Was Gone - by Lisa JewellNotable Titles on Deck:
I still have 4 ARCs currently on deck (including the book "Pieces of Her, by Karin Slaughter (which was bumped for C. Robert Cargill's We are Where the Nightmares Go and Other Stories because it has an earlier release date) and as always. more pending.
As school and spring sports start to wind up, I hope you are able to find at least a little time to read something good!
Happy Reading,
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