Welcome to my Sunday Summary. A look back on my bookish adventures for the past week.
While the days may be getting longer, we just survived the coldest week this winter here (at times -52°C with the wind factored in!) I really wish I could have stayed home and read, but life goes on and we still needed to go to work and school and run errands. Happy to see the days getting a little longer again. Maybe that extra sun will bring us some heat! According to the small furry beast, an early spring is on the way. I don't, however, put a lot of stock in that.
Apparently spring is on it's way, but... pic.twitter.com/H9qWecyAEP— The Last Page Turned (@Page_Turned) February 3, 2019
Books Reviewed:
Despite the cold weather making me want to stay home and read, as I said - life goes on. I am behind in my reviews. I only posted two this week and still need to post two to be caught up. As for the two, they are;
The Baggage Handler by David Rawlings. Part Fantasy, part General Fiction, you can read my review in THIS POST
The Grimoire of Kensington Market, by Lauren B. Davis was my first 5-star review of 2019. I loved this book! You can read more about it in my review posted HERE.
The Baggage Handler by David Rawlings. Part Fantasy, part General Fiction, you can read my review in THIS POST
The Grimoire of Kensington Market, by Lauren B. Davis was my first 5-star review of 2019. I loved this book! You can read more about it in my review posted HERE.
Ramblings and Miscellany:
I didn't create a blog entry, but I did take to social media to whoop and holler as I obtained some special books this week. My husband - not being a book person, does not buy me books per se, but he did end up paying for one I wanted as a Christmas present. I recently found the perfect copy and ordered it. It arrived this week and I could not be happier! A first print/first edition of the international version of Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman - and it is in mint condition. I also bought myself a lovely leather bound, gilt edged, combined edition of American Gods and Anansi Boys, also by Neil Gaiman. I cannot begin to describe how good a leather bound book smells!!!
Advance Reading Copy (ARC) Books Previously Reviewed and Released this Week:
None this past week, but we are starting to see more books arriving on bookshop shelves now that the holidays are over, so watch for them!
Currently Reading and Notable Titles on Deck:
As I said, I need to complete a few reviews to get caught up. She Rides Shotgun by Jordan Harper, and Summer Hours at the Robbers Library, by Sue Halpern. Watch for those reviews to be posted soon.
I am currently still reading House on Fire, by Bonnie Kistler. I am currently listening to The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen 83 1/4 Years old.
I look forward to starting to starting my most anticipated read of 2019 soon - The Binding, by Bridget Collins. So Excited!
Hope you have some exciting books as well!
Happy Reading,
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