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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Ramblings: Three Titles That Deserved More Hype in 2018

Three Titles That I Feel Deserved More Hype in 2018

We have all picked up a book that seems to have Everybody talking about it - anxious to read this gem that has enchanted what only seems like the whole world, only to be completely disappointed by it when we read it ourselves. 

We often see questions and phrases like "I didn't think it was worth all they hype" or "is it really worth the hype?". 

For every book that enjoys being in the limelight, there are many that dwell in the shadows - and many of those are every bit as amazing as some of their more popular counterparts.

Today for a #ThursdayThree post on social media, I want to discuss three books I loved in 2018 that did NOT get a lot of hype. Sure, I could easily discuss three books that I felt were over-hyped, but I have no intention of casting shadow on the popular books (after all they are popular for a reason!); my intention is merely to shine what little light I can on a few titles that I personally feel deserve it. 

The first title I would like to mention is  WHAT BLOOMS FROM DUST, by James Markert. You can read my original review HERE

First off - let us gaze upon this beautiful cover, shall we? 


The slightly fantastical story contained behind this cover is beautifully written. 

When Jeremiah Goodbye escapes the electric chair thanks to a well timed tornado, he starts walking and finds himself heading to his home town to see the brother that turned him into the law. 

The imagery created by good prose can never be argued, and Markert's prose is spot on. I felt the despair that people felt as the dust storms swept through their towns again and again. The feelings invoked were real and they were intense. Great story. 

The next title I would like to discuss is THE TRAVELLING CAT CHRONICLES, by Hiro Arikawa and translated by Philip Gabriel. My original review can be found HERE.

Arikawa obviously loves cats.  The mannerisms of Nana the cat are exactly cat-like - right down to every flick of Nana's tail. 

This story has much to say about life and love, empathy and compassion, friendship and forgiveness.

A man adopts a homeless and injured cat. They both have a difficult past to overcome, but they find love and companionship with each other. 

Ultimately the man - Satoru, is forced to find a new home for his beloved cat, and thus the adventure of a lifetime begins. A road trip that strengthens the already strong bond these two share. Warning - have tissue handy, this story is at once incredibly beautiful but sad as well.

Finally, I would like to mention a Canadian title that I loved. THE SATURDAY NIGHT GHOST CLUB, by Craig Davidson. My original review is in this POST

This story is told in alternating time lines between a young boy Jake, and the neurosurgeon Jake becomes. As a child he spends a summer exploring the local "haunted" sights with his eccentric and somewhat odd uncle.  It is testament to the both the strength and fragility of the human mind and spirit.  

So there you have it. My list of three books that I feel deserved a little more hype in 2018! What books would you put on your list? 

Happy Reading, 

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